
460 Brielle Avenue


(718) 983-3800

How Does The GRACE Foundation Empower Those With Autism?

Watch Our Television Campaign

The GRACE Foundation partnered with Viewpoint Hosted by Dennis Quaid for a special campaign during Autism Awareness month.  Check it out below.

Proudly Seen On These Networks:

GRACE Foundation Services

Logo of The GRACE Foundation Empowering Autism, established in 2000.

Day Habilitation

Supporting, educating and enhancing the quality of life for children/adults and their families impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Respite Programs

On site programming and activities

Community Habilitation

Enhancing the skills needed for those with ASD to live more independently.

Raising Awareness

Community partnerships, events, programming and fundraising to support those with ASD and their families

Support The GRACE Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions, however, please know that every case is unique and therefore we encourage you to reach out to us directly by dialing (718) 983-3800 or filling out our contact form here.

What Does G.R.A.C.E. Stand For?

Our acronym stands for Getting Resources for Autistic Children ‘s Equality

How do I donate to The GRACE Foundation?

Interested donors can make a donation direclty through our website, by clicking here.

What will my donation support?

All donations will be used to underwrite the costs associated with activities and programming at GRACE

How Do I Get My Child Diagnosed? Where Do I Go?

There are several New York based organizations and programs that also offer Autism evaluation and can provided continued care. A few to consider are:

Elizabeth Pouch Center

IBR (Institute for Basic Research)

Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital NYU Langone

Child Mind Institute

New York Center for Child Development 

Applied Behavioral Mental Health Counseling

Do I Qualify For Services?

The Front Door is a program created by New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) The program connects you to the services you may be seeking out.  Contact your local Front Door Regional Office by clicking below or calling 866-946-9733 to check your eligibility and get started.  Once you are determined eligible, you can begin the planning process. There are many service options available, including support to live in your home independently or with others, employment, day habilitation, children’s services, and more.  Click here to be taken to their site.

What is ASD?

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 36 children.

Autism looks different for everyone, and each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. Some autistic people can speak, while others are nonverbal or minimally verbal and communicate in other ways. Some have intellectual disabilities, while some do not. Some require significant support in their daily lives, while others need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently. 

What Is Self Direction?

Selfdirected services offer the greatest amount of control in how, where, and by whom services are provided.

What Does GRACE Accept?

Medicaid Wavier


Required Documentation to Enter GRACE Programming

 Life plan

 Psychological and social evaluations (from the last three years if possible) 

 LOC-LCED (Level of Care)

 NOD (Notice of Decision)

 Copy of Self Direction Budget

 SART – Service Amendment Request Tool

 Update Medical Form with updated PPD

 Individual Rights and Responsibilities Form

 Photo Release

 Registration Form

Family Support Services?

The GRACE Foundation works with the following Care Coordination Organizations:

Tri-County Care 

ACA (Advanced Care Association) 

Care Design 

M-CHAT-R/F Screening Test

The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised (M-CHAT-R) is a screener that will ask a series of 20 questions about your child’s behavior. It’s intended for toddlers between 16 and 30 months of age. The results will let you know if a further evaluation may be needed. You can use the results of the screener to discuss any concerns that you may have with your child’s healthcare provider.

Please answer questions to reflect your child’s usual behaviors. If the behavior is rare (e.g., you’ve seen it only once or twice), answer as if the child has not acquired the behavior.